Underworld Army

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Pit facing Medusa and her Underworld Army.

The Underworld Army is one of the three main factions in Kid Icarus: Uprising, and also the villain armies in the first two games. They are the main opponents of Palutena's Army, the Forces of Nature, and the Human Army. Led by Hades, who lends out his army to Medusa and Orcos, this group seeks to destroy the world and gather more souls for their leader.

The Underworld Army is composed of the Kid Icarus series most well known enemies such as the Eggplant Wizard, Monoeyes, Komaytos and other enemies in Kid Icarus, Of Myths and Monsters and mainly Uprising. The following lists the leader, the commanders, and troops that make up this demonic army:




The true master of the Underworld as revealed in Uprising, he reigns the Underworld in the shadows making Medusa do all the dirty work for a period of time. He is shown to be incredibly powerful and desires to take many souls as possible to expand his ever-growing army and also for consumption.



Medusa unknowingly serves Hades in the first and third Kid Icarus games as the Puppet Leader of the Underworld Army and also as the Goddess of Darkness. She is defeated by Pit both times he encounters her and later betrays Hades but is killed by him, as is seen in The War's End.


Orcos is a demon and the leader of the Underworld army in Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters. It is unknown whether or not he is a servant of Hades. He is the only commander not to appear in Kid Icarus: Uprising.


Thanatos (known as Tanatos in the first game) is the God of Death and a talented shape-shifter. He commands the Underworld army during an attack against Poseidon and later fights the Forces of Nature's leader Phosphora but is defeated and possibly killed. He also gets great health coverage, evil powers, and free soda for being God of Death, all according to Hades. He serves as second-in-command to both Medusa and Hades, guarding the key to the Underworld.


Pandora and her previous, more powerful form Amazon Pandora, is another Leader of the Underworld army. She is the guardian of the Mirror of Truth, Medusa's source for Underworld troops. As the Goddess of Disaster and Calamity, she attempted to create Dark Pit to be her servant but was defeated and killed by Pit and Dark Pit. Though she is later revived into her full goddess form, she is defeated again.


Hewdraw is a dragon-like serpent who appeared in both Kid Icarus and Kid Icarus: Uprising. He is a general of the Underworld who later gains another two heads to rule beside him. He (now referred to as they) is commonly described as Pit's nicest enemy, especially the Purple Head who was the original of the three.

Underworld Gatekeeper

The Underworld Gatekeeper is an odd looking machine designed to defend the Underworld Castle and primarily Medusa. Introduced in Kid Icarus: Uprising, this flying robot is the only commander to be treated as a miniboss. It is encountered in the Air Battle segment of Chapter 9.

Dark Lord Gaol

Dark Lord Gaol used to be part of the same mercenary band as Magnus, but later joins the Underworld army. She becomes a commander for the Underworld army for a short amount of time, leading Underworld troops on the Overworld. After being defeated by Pit and broken from the curse, she rejoins Magnus and later helps Pit to test his strength in The Three Trials.

Great Reaper

The Great Reaper is the leader of the Reapers and a commander of the Underworld. Although it's true form is huge, it sometimes transforms into a regular-sized Reaper. The Great Reaper and many other Reapers are destroyed by Pit when he infiltrates the Reaper Fortress.


Twinbellows was first described as being the Underworlds faithful watch dog. He is a massive, over-grown beast with two heads who roar a lot, hence the name Twinbellows. Although unintelligent and without the ability to speak, he can still be considered as a commander, although he would rank at the bottom of the list.


Introduced in Kid Icarus

Introduced in Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters

Introduced in Kid Icarus: Uprising