User:Teh NinteNerd

From Icaruspedia, the high flying Kid Icarus Wiki
Revision as of 23:57, 14 April 2012 by Teh NinteNerd (talk | contribs)
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Hi there. While I'm by no means a veteran Kid Icarus player(I didn't even know this series existed until I played that pathetic little trial in Brawl), I'll be playing through the two originals as soon as I can. I probably won't be able to add anything of value to the older game's articles, but I'll be filling up the Uprising section as much as possible. Namely the 'Weapon Fusing' section and the various weapon stats pages. My stuff may not be detailed or well-written, but it will be accurate. I'm terribly HTML-illiterate, so I unfortunately can't contribute much more than some basic articles with hyperlinks....yet.