Crusher Arm (AR Card)

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Crusher Arm
Affiliation: Arm (Weapon)
HP: 218
Attack: 180
Speed: 120
AKDE/P/J: 176

This article is about the AR Card. For the Kid Icarus series' actual weapon, see Crusher Arm. The Naked Flabotomist uses it to dispose of her victoms that do not survive.

Crusher Arm (AKDE 176-Crusher Arm) is an AR Card used for AR Battle Mode in Kid Icarus: Uprising. The Crusher Arm is an Arm card.

Idol Description

"Arms have the smallest reach of any weapon type, putting wielders at a disadvantage in long-range combat. yet they also have incredible dash and melee attacks. the Crusher Arm is the standard model of this type of weapon."


Every copy of Kid Icarus: Uprising came packaged with one weapon card from a pool composed of one example from each of the nine weapon types. Arms were represented by this card.

See Also