The Ring of Chaos

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The Ring of Chaos

The level starts with Pit turned into a ring. A little girl comes up and puts the ring on her finger, allowing Pit to control her body. After a while the girl falls and drops the ring, causing Pit to lose control of the girl's body. Fortunatly, a dog picks up the ring in his mouth. Using his new body, Pit reaches a town and sees that Palutena's Army, comprising of Centurions, are mysteriously attacking the town. Pit later encounters Magnus, who puts the ring on his finger, and allows Pit to take control of his body. Pit uses Magnus's strength to fight his way through the centurions. Pit encounters his own body and defeats it to gain controll of it again. When Pit starts asking Palutena to let him fly, Viridi grants him this power and explains to Pit what is going on.

Ground Mission

Unlike most levels, the ground mission comes first in the chapter. In the beginning of the chapter, Pit controls a little girl and then takes over the body of a dog. The Angel later encounters Magnus, who he uses to fight his way throught Centurion soldiers. Pit fights new enemies which are all centurions. After Pit defeats a large number of Centurions, Pit's body appears. Upon defeating the body, Magnus proceeds to put the ring on him, and causes it to dissapear. Allowing Pit to take control of his body once again.

Zodiac Chamber

After going through a narrow walkway, Pit will come across a hot spring. The left path will reveal a zodiac chamber which houses the power Aries Armor.