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Welcome to Icaruspedia, the encyclopedia for all things about the Kid Icarus series by Nintendo. Icaruspedia currently has 722 articles since being created on January 8th, 2012! Like with any wiki, be advised that information can come with spoilers!
Reapers and Reapettes are reoccurring enemies in the Kid Icarus series. Reapers act as guardians of the Underworld, calling their Reapettes to swarm the intruders they find. Despite this duty, Reapers have limited sight, only being able to see directly ahead of them. In Kid Icarus: Uprising, they are given a red beam of light that fires from their eyes that show how far they can see. They are one of the first enemies Pit encounters in Kid Icarus and they even have their own chapter in Kid Icarus: Uprising.
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