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Welcome to Icaruspedia, the encyclopedia for all things about the Kid Icarus series by Nintendo. Icaruspedia currently has 723 articles since being created on January 8th, 2012!
Like with any wiki, be advised that information can come with spoilers!

Kid Icarus Of Myths and Monsters Super Smash Bros. Brawl Uprising Anime Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Featured Article

Dark Pit is a reoccurring character and Pit's alter ego in Kid Icarus: Uprising. He was created by the Mirror of Truth when Pit went to destroy it. His personality is the opposite of Pit's, being more serious and uncaring. Despite his hatred toward Pit, Dark Pit helps take down the Underworld Army only because it matches his agenda. Dark Pit is also a playable character in one chapter and in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U.

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Featured Image

CG render of Twinbellows from the North American commercial for Kid Icarus: Uprising.

Editor's Notes

Welcome to Icaruspedia! I am RicketyTrigger, this wiki's Editor-in-Chief (EiC)! It is a pleasure to have you on our site. I hope you enjoy the content on this wiki, and help us expand it even more.

Please help us with the following:

  • Create articles and add info about Kid Icarus: Uprising!
  • Create articles on AR Cards!
  • Add infoboxes to articles that need them.
  • Add more references to articles.
  • Create articles on people and companies that have worked on the Kid Icarus series.
  • Create articles on music from the Kid Icarus franchise.

Note: Please make sure words are in American spelling to keep with consistency.


The Nintendo Independent Wiki Alliance

The Nintendo Independent Wiki Alliance (NIWA) is a group of open-content encyclopedias based on various Nintendo franchises.
ARMS: ARMS Institute
Pokémon: Bulbapedia
Dragalia Lost: Dragalia Lost Wiki
Drawn to Life: Drawn to Life Wiki
Fire Emblem: Fire Emblem Wiki
F-Zero: F-Zero Wiki
Golden Sun: Golden Sun Universe
Tetris: Hard Drop Tetris Wiki
Splatoon: Inkipedia
Kingdom Hearts Wiki: Kingdom Hearts Wiki
Star Fox: Lylat Wiki
Mystery Dungeon: Mystery Dungeon Franchise Wiki
Metroid: Metroid Wiki
Magical Vacation: Kovopedia
Nintendo: NintendoWiki
Animal Crossing: Nookipedia
Pikmin: Pikipedia and Pikmin Fanon
Super Smash Bros.: SmashWiki
Starfy: The Legendary Starfy Wiki
Strategy Guides: Strategy Wiki
Mario: Super Mario Wiki and Ukikipedia
Nintendo Wars: Wars Wiki
Mother/Earthbound: WikiBound
Kirby: WiKirby
Xeno Series: Xeno Series Wiki
Zelda: Zelda Wiki