Icaruspedia:Privacy policy
The goal of Icaruspedia is to create a complete and accurate database of free information about the Kid Icarus franchise. Anyone who creates an account can edit and add to the wiki. However we also collect certain information about editors in order to improve and monitor the wiki, such as screen resolutions, browser version, operation system, etc... All edits or changes are logged in a database, with the username and time of editing kept on record. Registration information is kept on record as well.
Any personal information that is posted to the wiki, such as name, age, location, etc... is available to the public. The sharing of this information is done at the user's own risk. Icaruspedia is not responsible for any actions or consequences as a result of sharing this information. We reserve the right to use this information for site statistics, which may be shown to possible advertisers, sponsors, or affiliates.
Icaruspedia staff will do their best in regulating the articles and pages for the wiki. The staff aim to keep the site appropriate for people of all ages and thus will work to protect viewers from inappropriate content or opinions expressed by the users.
Any further questions regarding the privacy policy should be directed at one one of the staff members.