User talk:DoctorFantastic

From Icaruspedia, the high flying Kid Icarus Wiki
Revision as of 09:22, 13 March 2012 by RicketyTrigger (talk | contribs)
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Due to your effort at the Wikia version, you have been promoted to administrator. Use your rights wisely. --Starphoria 13:34, 13 January 2012 (MST)

No problem. Keep up the good work. Hopefully when Uprising comes out, we can get over 200 articles! By the way... where did you get those artworks of the enemies? --Starphoria 16:56, 18 January 2012 (MST)
Don't add the info yet, I'll create a "Spoiler" Template for Spoiler Warnings. --Starphoria 13:36, 24 January 2012 (MST)

I'm so sorry

I honestly wasn't aware about the flickr thing (I've never used that site before). I assumed you wanted me to help upload pictures from there because you sent me that link. And is there a way to take them off completely from here? I apologize deeply for screwing up big time. -RicketyTrigger 19:54, 26 January 2012 (MST)-

Dark Pit theory time?

A very interesting paragraph written by a gentleman on Gamefaqs. It's funny though, cause I kind of thought of the same thing about Dark Pit really being Pit's long lost twin brother, but this person did a lot better with the extra details. However, I wonder if this person ever noticed the large mirror in the trailer that introduced Dark Pit, and in the other trailer from TGS had glass shattering when Dark Pit pushed/kicked Pit away. I personally think that mirror is important regarding Dark Pit's origins. So unfortunately the whole "Dark Pit is really Pit's brother" theory may be refuted, and Dark Pit may be just some evil clone created by some evil mirror. Hopefully this isn't the case because the theory mentioned in Gamefaqs is a lot more interesting. So what do you think about this? -RicketyTrigger 16:58, 29 January 2012 (MST)-

Wait, you mean... *shakes head* Anyways, yay the Eggplant Wizard artwork is out. He looks a lot more menacing than last time. Is it me or does he sort of look like a skinnier, cycloptic, and purple King Dedede? (O_o). Btw, somebody got the trailer back from TGS fully subbed and apparently Dark Pit wants revenge from Pit (by taking away his wings), cause good Pit took something from him (but obviously what exactly it is, no one knows). You got the whole Dark Pit wants revenge from his twin (possible) brother right. I'd love to see the rest your theory become a fact. -RicketyTrigger 01:17, 1 February 2012 (MST)-
Ohhh, I see it now. I don't know, I personally think it was Dark Pit that said that particular line, but then again, I'm not the best at differentiating voices at times. And yes, Zeus NEEDS to come back. There are no reasons for him to not return. If he does, I wonder if he'll play a similar role as in the previous games. I also can't wait to see more new gods. One thing that irks me though, it feels like there are not enough angels in this game, and I mean the angels with wings on their back like Pit does (so not like the Centurions). There's Dark Pit, but he's just an evil clone of the main guy, and I'm not sure what exactly the Fighters are supposed to be (they don't have wings but they seem angelic). So yeah, Angel Land is lacking angels, and that's a problem. -RicketyTrigger 17:56, 1 February 2012 (MST)-
Well, I suppose you're right. Still, kinda weird in a place called Angel Land there are barely any angels. -RicketyTrigger 12:30, 4 February 2012 (MST)-

I certainly think (and would like the fact) that Dark Pit will join Pit's side near/at the end. It would awesome, and play a different turn on the "evil clone" stereotype. -WingedFish

Now that it's been shown in the latest trailer, Dark Pit apparently thinks he's the original one. Maybe they really are twins--perhaps Dark Pit is just mad at Pit for taking his appearance/identity? -Yeah121

Thank You

Thanks for all the work recently :) I've been not doing much (heh). Just to give you an update, we'll be working on most of the help pages this weekend along with getting the infoboxes (like on the Kid Icarus: Uprising page) up for the Character, Locations, items, etc. We plan to get that all done this weekend. After that, we're home free for NIWA Status. Another update: We'll be getting a skin similar to Fire Emblem Wiki except Kid Icarus-ified. If you have any suggestions for what to use for the background and such, I'd love to hear it. --Starphoria 19:54, 10 February 2012 (MST)

Also, do you know where to get a list of voice actors for Uprising? And where to get the japanese names? --Starphoria 15:04, 11 February 2012 (MST)
(nods) Would you like to run for Editor in Chief? See the notice at the top of the pages for the link. --Starphoria 18:15, 11 February 2012 (MST)
Alrighty then. When and if you think you're ready please make me aware :) --Starphoria 19:23, 11 February 2012 (MST)

Co-op Mode?

The UK site mentions Co-op on their site. I wonder how that could work in this game. Any ideas? -RicketyTrigger 21:01, 11 February 2012 (MST)-

I think it might just refer to team play during multiplayer. What would be really cool is if there is an Arena Mode in which you can team up with players to fight waves of enemies. How awesome would that be?! --DoctorFantastic 21:58, 11 February 2012 (MST)
That would be pretty awesome. I wonder if we can have up to six players for that too... nah, just two would be sufficient. -RicketyTrigger 22:24, 11 February 2012 (MST)-
You can do it. Also, I think we should make a different category for "Villains" and a navbox to go along with it, because there is kind of a difference between Villains and Enemies... --Starphoria 07:34, 12 February 2012 (MST)

Fillout Your Info

Hello. Please fill out your info here. Thanks! Also, you don't need to be experienced with wikis to be Editor-in-Chief. You just need to make a Skype account. The Editor-in-Chief is as the name suggests, the Editor in Chief of the content. You watch over the content of the wiki, which you have been doing. Everyone on the Skype thinks you are fit for the bill. --Starphoria 15:04, 14 February 2012 (MST)

Also, sorry for the connection issues lately, those will be fixed ASAP. --Starphoria 17:45, 14 February 2012 (MST)


Do you approve RicketyTrigger as Editor in Chief? Please see here. Also, be sure to fillout your contact info here. --Starphoria (C·E) 15:09, 18 February 2012 (MST)

That's fine. :P I made our NIWA request being the only one with access to the Staff forums in our wiki. (I'm Staff at Starfy Wiki and F-Zero Wiki aside from here), hopefully we'll get approval. If we do, we plan to join on Uprising's release :P --Starphoria (C·E) 16:58, 18 February 2012 (MST)

NIWA Forums Account

Ok, I need you to make a NIWA Forum Account now that Icaruspedia may become a NIWA Wiki. You kind of need to make one, but I'm not going to force you to. --Starphoria (C·E) 15:14, 23 February 2012 (MST)

Yay, thank you. [url=][img][/img][/url] Scroll over "Profile", and the drop down thing should appear, click "Forum Profile", and copy the coding over there into the signature box so you can have Icaruspedia's forum banner. --Starphoria (C·E) 13:40, 27 February 2012 (MST)


I noticed you found interesting amount of info and pictures I haven't even seen, and I'm curious how you're finding all this if you don't mind. Oh, and I found some scans of the Kid Icarus Uprising manga if you're interested: (but they're kinda cropped unfortunately). -RicketyTrigger 20:46, 5 March 2012 (MST)-

I knew about these Twitter accounts before, but I don't see Pandora... Unless I'm looking at the wrong thing (and I probably am). -RicketyTrigger 21:53, 5 March 2012 (MST)-
Ohhh, thanks for the link. I really want to collect these cards now. -RicketyTrigger 22:16, 5 March 2012 (MST)-

Mirror of Truth

You've probably already seen these, but the Mirror of Truth has caught my interest, and I'm pretty sure it's the thing shown in the background of this screenshot: I always had a feeling that mirror wasn't just there for decoration, but what do you think it is? Is this where Dark Pit was created? If so, that wouldn't be pretty disappointing cause your theory was a lot more interesting. I know information is limited, but I can't help but speculate even though the release date is so close. Also, the artwork of Pit wearing the sacred treasures looks pretty awesome, can't wait to see the full picture of it. -RicketyTrigger 19:49, 7 March 2012 (MST)-

I hope so, he definitely sounds benevolent and godly. The newest trailer was amazing, can't believe we're gonna play it in two weeks. I also heard another guy's voice when it said "Let's get down to business!" during the short multiplayer scene. I wonder who that was... maybe the Fighters do talk after all?! Nah, I doubt it. A bit off-topic, what should we do with the Tanatos and Thanatos article? Just merge them? -RicketyTrigger 16:21, 8 March 2012 (MST)-
But Dark Pit and Pandora were clearly in the same room. Unless the level Pandora is in, is actually not part of Chapter 6 when Dark Pit first appears. Or maybe all of Dark Pit's battles are just mini boss like... -RicketyTrigger 16:47, 8 March 2012 (MST)-
I guess that makes a bit more sense. Gaol as Magnus' evil sister huh... I can see it happening. Also, I'm wondering if we should make separate articles for each anime short or put them all on one page. I guess we might also need templates for them as well. -RicketyTrigger 17:03, 8 March 2012 (MST)-

So, were you surprised?

Now that some of the VA's were officially announced, what do you think? I personally did not believe Pit and Palutena were voiced by JYB and Tara Strong. I wonder if Nintendo purposely chose this Antony Del Rio guy simply because he voiced young Kratos. I'm still happy that Nintendo chose some pretty decent VA's for this game, and hopefully they do this more with other franchises in the future. -RicketyTrigger 19:31, 8 March 2012 (MST)-

Yes, I absolutely love the music in this game, and it angers me that we still don't know who the composer is. Pit, Palutena and Thanatos all sound great even if they weren't the VA's everyone else was hoping for. Now I want to know the VA's for everyone else. I also hope the anime short is based off a chapter in this game, can't wait to see the rest of the segments for all of them! -RicketyTrigger 19:46, 8 March 2012 (MST)-

I absolutely agree

I can't wait until the game releases so I can hear the rest of the music. I wonder what are the chances of Nintendo releasing the official soundtrack on Club Nintendo. You'll have no idea how happy that'll make me if they do. Also, I apologize for the lack of updating especially near Uprising's release. My vacation overseas just happened to be around the same time. I'll get right back to work after I return shortly after the game is out. I appreciate your continuous hard work on this wiki. -RicketyTrigger 03:22, 13 March 2012 (MDT)-