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Lars, the Sun God
First Appearance: Kid Icarus: Uprising (2012)
Latest Appearance:

Kid Icarus: Uprising (2012)

Gender: Male
Race: God/Deity
Homeland: Overworld
Affiliated Faction:
Other Allies:
Voiced By: English:
Troy Baker (Kid Icarus: Uprising)
Tetsu Inada (Kid Icarus: Uprising)
"Fear the wrath of my pyroblasters, space weirdos! HAHAHAHAHA! Kablooey! Kablammy!"
- Pyrrhon

Pyrrhon is a major character in Kid Icarus: Uprising. He is said to be the self proclaimed god of the sun, and assists Pit in fighting off an alien invasion. He appears during the Aurum arc of the main story (Mysterious Invaders, The Aurum Hive, and The Aurum Brain) as an ally in the former two and a brainwashed antagonist in the latter. His primary method of offense is his ability to manipulate fire and use it to attack enemies and his ability to fly fast. He is depicted as a strong head superhero-like character with a large ego and surprising intelligence, although the latter two traits do conflict with each other sometimes when Pyrrhon talks.


Kid Icarus: Uprising

"The self-proclaimed "Sun God" who is investigating--and entranced by--the wondrous and alien Aurum. Pyrron's massive ego seems inversely proportional to his intelligence, making his boasts of divine lineage a bit hard to swallow."


  • Pyrrhon is likely inspired by Apollo, the Greek god of the sun, although his name appears to be based on Pyrrho, a Greek philosopher. It might also come from the word "pyro", which means fire.
  • When Pyrrhon became possessed by the Aurum, he started speaking nonsense including binary numbers that translate into "kill".
  • At one point Pyrrhon references Wikipedia by the in-universe name of Divinipedia.

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