Fighter (AR Card)

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Affiliation: Unaffiliated
HP: 247
Attack: 160
Speed: 120
AKDE/P/J: 077

This article is about the AR Card. For the Kid Icarus series' warrior, see Fighter.

Fighter (AKDE 077- Fighter) is an AR Card used for AR Battle Mode in Kid Icarus: Uprising. The Fighter is an unaffiliated card.

Idol Description

"Warriors who compete in the divine sports of Skyworld. They fight for no side but their own, and though not as formable as Pit, they have skills that make them fierce in the field."

E3 2011 Edition

A version of this card was given out during a preview of the game at E3 2011. Notably, the eight cards created during this pre-release period are missing the stained glass section that serves as the code scanned by the system to interpret the card on display. As a result they are specially programmed into the game such that the cards' images themselves can be interpreted.

See Also