Sagittarius Bow

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Sagittarius Bow
Type: Weapon
Specializes In: Ranged Combat
Strengths: Piercing shots that hit multiple enemies, high power, fast shots
Weaknesses: Weak melee, slow rate of fire, slow charge time.

The Sagittarius Bow is one of the nine Zodiac Weapons in Kid Icarus: Uprising. It is found in Chapter 2 through a fake door in the spiral staircase. Its shots deal high damage and can pierce multiple targets with one shot, but it charges slower than most bows.

Idol Description

The Zodiac Weapon bearing the sign of Sagittarius. It's shots can pierce through multiple opponents, making it a great choice when outnumbered. Though it takes a long time to charge, it makes up for it in high damage and high speed.

Base statistics

Air Battles

Shot Distance Damage
Continuous 113.2m 20.0
Charged 113.2m 98.0
Melee hit 1 58.8
Melee hit 2 33.6
Melee hit 3 58.8
Special attack 11.6 per hit (approx. 10 hits)

Land Battles

Shot Distance Damage (far) Damage (near)
Continuous 51.5m 6.8 6.4
Foward-dash continuous 56.7m 15.4 14.5
Side-dash continuous 54.6m 13.3 13.1
Backward-dash continuous 56.7m 14.0 12.6
Charged 51.5m 26.5 24.9
Foward-dash charged 56.7m 54.5 51.2
Side-dash charged 54.6m 44.7 42.0
Backward-dash charged 56.7m 47.5 44.9
Melee hit 1 17.1
Melee hit 2 9.8
Melee hit 3 17.1
Melee dash 7.3 (hits 1-6), 12.2 (hit 7)