Reset Bomb Pod

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Reset Bomb Pod
First Appearance: Kid Icarus: Uprising (2012)
Latest Appearance:

Kid Icarus: Uprising (2012)

Affiliation(s): Viridi, Reset Bomb Depot, Reset Bomb, Forces of Nature Guards
Enemy Type: Control Centre

The Reset Bomb Pod is a boss in Chapter 12, Wrath of the Reset Bomb in Kid Icarus: Uprising. Reset Bombs are created by Viridi, the goddess of nature. Pit enters the Reset Bomb factory in Chapter 12 in order to destroy the next reset bomb before it drops and destroys another large area of human population (a Reset Bomb is dropped in Chapter 11, Viridi, Goddess of Nature, and it wipes out nearly all the human inhabitants in the area). Pit must fight his way to the Reset Bomb Pod and destroy it. It is guarded by Forces of Nature Guards, and to make the pod vulnerable to attack, Pit must knock a guard into the pit surrounding the pod. From the explosion caused by this, the shell on the pod is temporarily destroyed allowing Pit to bombard it with a shower of ranged attacks before it regains its shell again. The more guards are thrown into the pit, the longer the pod remains defenseless.

Idol Description

The pod powering the Reset Bomb Depot. It creates the vast amount of energy needed to manufacture Reset Bombs and keep the armory operational. This makes the pod Pit's central target in the facility's destruction.