City of Souls

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City of Souls
First Appearance: Kid Icarus: Uprising (2012)
Latest Appearance:

Kid Icarus: Uprising (2012)

Origin: City of the gods
Location: Underworld
Inhabited By: Souls, Soul-Eating Monster, Underworld Army, Hades

The City of Souls is a godly structure found in the events of Kid Icarus: Uprising. It consists of shiny diamond-like shards and ,of course, souls. In this city, created by the Underworld Army, the souls of dead soldiers and warriors end up here to be given an afterlife in the Underworld. In the city can be found the Soul-Eating Monster, a mid-boss in the chapter.


The City of Souls, as its name implies, consists of all the dead warriors' souls. Here, they are given peace after death where Hades takes care of them. Because of his greed, the god of the Underworld was misusing the great number of souls he was receiving due to the war. He was creating more Underworld troops with them; a crafty tactic meaning his army would never be destroyed. This here was the explanation for the continuous supply of troops after the Mirror of Truth was destroyed. The only problem the deity had was that a number of souls were needed to create one monster, a small flaw for his yet devious plan. The remaining souls Hades didn't use were given an afterlife, but since there was still a great demand for this, only the strongest ones received this now rare honour. The remaining were fed to the ever-hungry Soul-Eating Monster. Hades called this last process survival of the fittest, a process which was also approved by Viridi, saying that this was the natural cycle of life.