Mirror Shield

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In Brawl reflecting one of Fox's lasers

The Mirror Shield is one of the Three Sacred Treasures, kept in a Sacred Casket and kept guarded in a Fortress. Pit must recover this artifact and, combined with the Wings of Pegasus and Arrow of Light, take out Medusa in the Palace in the Sky. It appears as his down special in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.


Kid Icarus

The shield itself possesses a mirrored cover and protects Pit like a tower shield. Without this, Pit would be turned to stone by Medusa by merely looking at her, as the shield protects against her petrifying glance.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Pit's Down+B move that reflects any projectile, as well as protects Pit against any move- the Mirror Shield can fully protect him from damage when used properly. Pit's shield will, when used, be pulled from behind him, he will crouch down, and the shield will cover him. He is still vulnerable from behind, however.


  • Perseus was equipped with bronze shield polished to a mirror-like sheen when he killed Medusa, according to Greek mythology.

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