Medusa's Revenge

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Medusa's Revenge
Medyūsa no Gyakushū
Studio: STUDIO4°C, NAS
Release Date:

March 16, 2012

Total Length: Approx. 3 minutes
Parts: 1

Medusa's Revenge (メデューサの逆襲 Medyūsa no Gyakushū) is one of the three Kid Icarus 3D Anime shorts that released on Nintendo Video to promote the release of Kid Icarus: Uprising. This feature tells a little about the back story behind Pit, Palutena, and Medusa which occurred 25 years ago in the original Kid Icarus, and eventually leads to Uprising.


The story begins with Palutena narrating the past a quarter century ago when she was imprisoned by Medusa in her own temple. The goddess of light then talks about how a lone young angel named Pit rescued her and saved the realm. The scene then returns to the present, where Palutena calls out to Pit that he must stop Medusa once more. With the Power of Flight granted by his goddess, Pit rapidly flies out from the temple and heads to the chaos where the Underworld Army is attacking. The scene changes again to the past, and shows a normal-looking Medusa destroying a town with humans fleeing in terror. She uses her magic to turn the mortals into stone and kill them. As Medusa continues to wreak havoc, Palutena arrives to the destruction and warns her rival goddess to stop. Medusa doesn't take her seriously, and becomes angry due to the fact that Palutena is inferring with her affairs.

Back to the present, the Underworld Army is seen invading the Overworld and Skyworld, and a reborn Medusa thirsty for vengeance. Pit then arrives to a canyon filled with Underworld monsters and takes them out one by one with a First Blade. Medusa begins to form from an odd mass and starts to tower over the clouds. While doing so, she asks the angel in a mockingly sweet tone, "Here to crash my home coming party, Pit?". After dodging Medusa's numerous snakes, Pit finally confronts her while yelling, "Medusa!" angrily as the scene freezes then ends.



Pit: Antony Del Rio

Palutena: Ali Hillis

Medusa: Cree Summer


Director: Kazuto Nakazawa

Producers: Yutaka Kawasaki, Eiko Tanaka

Production Manager: Manabu Otsuka

Art Director: Minoru Nishida

CGI Director: Takafumi Ishida

Color Stylist: Wakako Takahashi

Sound Director: Kazuzo Hamano

Sound Producer: Kisuke Koizumi
