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You are the arrow of light that pierces the heart of darkness!

—Viridi raising Pit's morale in Chapter 20

First Appearance: Kid Icarus: Uprising (2012)
Latest Appearance:

Kid Icarus: Uprising (2012)

Gender: Female
Race: Goddess/Deity
Homeland: Overworld
Affiliated Faction:
Other Allies:
Voiced By: English:
Hynden Walch (Kid Icarus: Uprising)
Makiko Ohmoto (Kid Icarus: Uprising.)

Viridi (ナチュレ Nachure), is a major character introduced in Kid Icarus: Uprising. She is the vengeful goddess of nature who has a deep hatred for the human race, to the point that she finds enjoyment in obliterating entire armies of humans with her incredible power. Viridi is shown to have her own elite forces, and is allied with other nature deities such as Arlon and Phosphora. She is also shown to be very young for a goddess, and has a rather childish personality. Her minions are separate from those of the Underworld, and are collectively known as the Forces of Nature. They often clash with both the Underworld forces and Palutena's army during various parts of the story.



Viridi is a young-looking goddess, resembling an 8-year old human girl[1] who wears a shin-length dress colored in purple, red and pink, and decorated with numerous vines. She also wields a large, wooden staff. Her long blonde hair is also tied up in a ponytail using vines. Although she is a major character, Viridi's in-game model is only ever seen once during the story mode.


Despite her initially destructive introduction, Viridi is actually not necessarily evil; rather, she desires revenge on the human race for taking advantage of nature. As a result of Pit getting in the way of her plans, she often argues with him in a childish manner while sending her Forces of Nature to attack him. However, during the Aurum invasion, she slowly develops a change of heart and eventually becomes one of Pit's most important allies. Despite this, Viridi typically gets annoyed with the angel on a regular basis, and often questions his actions and interests (especially concerning Hot Springs). Even so, she is shown to care about his well-being, sending him back-up when he needs it, and initially refusing to grant him the Power of Flight to save Dark Pit, worried that his wings will catch fire. She's also shown to be very protective of her forces when compared to the likes of the uncaring Hades, and often refers to them as her "children". As the goddess of nature, she has a deep affection for plants and wildlife and has a very eco-friendly attitude, claiming that she uses cloth shopping bags, composts her food scraps and separates her recycling into 15 types.


As a goddess, Viridi is immortal and possesses unimaginable godly power over nature. She can manipulate plant life and create countless new lifeforms out of natural materials to fight for her. She can also create weapons out of plant life, such as her most powerful weapon, the Reset Bomb which can easily annihilate anything in its path like a meteor and grow forests wherever it lands. She can also use some of the spells known by Palutena such as the Power of Flight and use it on Pit or the ability to teleport Pit out of dangerous situations. According to Phosphora, Viridi is also capable of reading fortunes, which could also mean she may have the ability to predict the future. Like all the other gods she can communicate telepathically with others to relay information and astral project herself as a giant figure.

In Kid Icarus: Uprising

Viridi's in-game sprite, only seen this once throughout the game.

Viridi first appears during her eponymous chapter, Viridi, Goddess of Nature, after Pit's defeats the Phoenix, where she suddenly projects an image of herself in the sky and wipes out multiple armies of humans with a Reset Bomb, all the while laughing wickedly and declaring humanity "scum" that the world is better off without. Soon after, a twisted forest of thorns arise from the destroyed area and Palutena orders Pit to explore it in case any humans survived. Throughout their trek in the forest, they encounter Viridi's army, the Forces of Nature, which prove to be quite a match for Pit. Meanwhile, Palutena tries to reason with Viridi to no avail, as her beliefs are deeply cemented in the idea that humans are evil beings who mistreat and take advantage of nature. Seeing no other choice, Pit heads to the forest's center where he comes face to face with its stone guardian, Cragalanche, Viridi then quickly orders her creation and last resort to destroy Pit. Despite it being a tough battle, Pit comes out victorious, but Viridi remains calm and mockingly asks the angel on where she should dispatch her next Reset Bomb.

In Chapter 12, Pit and Palutena witness Viridi's army in conflict with Hades's and they hear Viridi's protests about the Underworld Army being worse than humans. Viridi then launches another Reset Bomb at a nearby town full of humans and Pit quickly takes action to defuse the bomb and luckily succeeds. Pit then discovers Viridi's Reset Bomb Depot, where she creates all her Reset Bombs and he heads in to shut it down. Viridi continues to send out countless soldiers to defeat Pit but to no avail and he soon makes it to the Depot's core where the pod that grows the Reset Bombs lies. Pit then makes quick work of it and the guards, causing the Depot to explode and fall apart. A furious Viridi then appears and tells Pit that he's made it on her "to-kill list".

At Chapter 14, Viridi and her Forces of Nature engage in an intense battle against the Underworld forces with Lightning Flash Phosphora as the commander of the Forces of Nature and Thanatos now revived by Hades commanding the Underworld Army. With the commanders locked in an intense battle Pit follows the two opposing forces so as to take down the remaining commander once one wins. During the battle, Viridi is absent while Pit, Palutena, and Hades converse about the lightning battle until Palutena shows her disgust towards Hades "compliment" about Phosphora's battle skills where she joins in the conversation suddenly saying that "There's nothing wrong with compliments". For most of the chapter she is not present due to her being occupied with the battle against Hades's except for one time in a mine cart room where Pit questions why Phosphora will leave the Thunder Cloud very soon with Viridi suddenly replying that "The independent Phosphora does not lay her roots down. Like a hobo". Viridi later observes the exciting and fast-paced boss fight between Pit and Phosphora, but the lightning warrior quickly falls to the angel. This causes the nature goddess to become frustrated due to the fact that one of her best commanders lost to the enemy.

During the beginning of the Aurum invasion in Chapter 15, Viridi is forced to form a temporary alliance with Palutena and Hades in order to defeat the extraterrestrial beings. Throughout the Aurum arc of the story, Viridi notably begins to soften up, especially towards Pit. One notable moment is in Chapter 16, where she helps the angel by lending out some of her soldiers, and Palutena even comments on how "it looks like Little Miss Cactus has a soft spot for Pit"; however, Viridi aggressively denies this. In Chapter 17 after Pyrrhon merges with the Aurum Brain, she attempts to take him down by using her final Reset Bomb, but unfortunately this has very little effect and the bomb quickly disintegrates. Viridi helps Pit again after his Power of Flight runs out by sending a platform carried by her troops to guide the angel to the crazy sun god. However, Pyrrhon manages to destroy all the Nutskis carrying the platform later on. As Pit battles Aurum Pyrrhon's, Viridi comments on how the Aurum are like most living creatures as they too are concerned for their survival, but unlike most living things, the Aurum are too unnatural and destructive. After Pyrrhon is defeated and sends the Aurum Brain to the other end of the galaxy, the nature goddess states that "he finally does something useful."

Viridi unexpectedly appears in the flight mission of Chapter 18, where she grants Pit the Power of Flight and takes him to Skyworld to find his goddess while explaining the situation during the three-year time gap. The two observe the now-evil Palutena as she begins to attack her own trusted servant. The powerful force field surrounding the goddess of light's temple prevents Pit from entering, leaving Viridi no choice but to retreat the angel to her own sanctuary.

In Chapter 19, Viridi takes Pit to the Lightning Chariot Base in order to fetch the legendary Lightning Chariot to pierce through Palutena's force field. Upon reaching the tower, Viridi quickly becomes annoyed from Hades troops and Pit's constant whining regarding if they're at the top of the building yet. Once Pit reaches the Chariot Master and defeats him in a duel, Viridi states that "he was an honorable warrior" and to not "let his death be in vain."

After Pit penetrates the force field surrounding Palutena's Temple in Chapter 20, Viridi explains to Pit about the Chaos Kin and how it was originally a prisoner in Arlon's Lunar Sanctum, which was disposed by Pit three years ago. She believes the demonic entity is the one responsible for turning into Palutena what she is now and it must be destroyed before it eats her soul. Pit manages to defeat the Chaos Kin, but it fools the angel by playing dead for a short time then unexpectedly gets up and quickly rips Palutena's soul from her body and creates a portal leading to the Chaos Vortex. Viridi immediately grants him the Power of Flight, but Pit is unable to go through the portal as it begins to shrink. Fortunately, Dark Pit suddenly arrives by charging through with the Lightning Chariot, making the gateway to the vortex large enough to go through.

Viridi guides Pit through the disorienting realm of the Chaos Kin in Chapter 21. She eventually manages to find the real Chaos Kin as it quickly tries to escape. Pit shoots the creature down, forcing him to face an "endurance contest" between him and the monster. After Pit and Dark Pit defeat the monster, Palutena's soul is returned, but the remaining ashes of the Chaos Kin grab the dark angel, forcing Pit to jump down into the vortex after him. Pit begs Viridi to reactivate the Power of Flight, but Viridi is unwilling to do so as it will burn up his wings. With time running out to rescue Dark Pit, Viridi eventually gives in and allows Pit to fly, but this action does cost his wings.

With Pit's wings burnt up, Viridi joins Palutena and Dark Pit's journey to the Rewind Spring to revive Pit in Chapter 22. She along with the other two discover Hades's true startling intentions. This leaves Viridi horrified and shocked as human souls have been used to create the Underworld monsters the entire time.

Viridi joins Pit's final battle with Hades in Chapter 25, where she first simply observes the fight, but later provides the angel with the Power of Flight when the Great Sacred Treasure is destroyed. After the Underworld god is vanquished, she comments how humans are still a problem, showing her views on humanity have not changed.

Idol Description

The goddess of nature. Viridi wants to exterminate the humans on the surface world, believing they have corrupted the natural order. Yet she also opposes the destruction and blind harvesting of souls committed by the Underworld Army.


  • Viridi could be based on any number of Greek goddesses of nature, although her name comes from the word viridis, which is Latin for "green" and/or "youthful", which fits her character quite well.
  • At one point during the story, Viridi breaks the fourth wall when a discussion between her and Pit arises about the relation between Metroids and Komaytos.
  • At another point in the story, Pit mentions the loading screen before Viridi quickly says "Shhhh! They'll hear you! We're not supposed to talk about that!"
  • Viridi has her own domain which you use late in the story instead of Palutena's. When you go back to Palutena's domain, it can be changed back to Viridi's in the hidden options menu. You can donate hearts to either goddess this way.
  • In an easy-to-miss conversation in Chapter 16, it is strongly implied that Viridi may have feelings for Pit. This would explain why she helps him in later chapters.
  • Viridi along with Palutena are the only characters to have two weapons named after them. One of them being the Viridi Palm, and the other being the Viridi Claws.
