Busy Bee

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Busy Bee
First Appearance: Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters (1991)
Latest Appearance:

Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters (1991)

Affiliation(s): Orcos
Enemy Type: Aerial

Busy Bees are small insect monsters that only appear in the Sky Palace. They are rather common enemies in this location and often fly diagonally towards Pit. However, if he gets too close to one, the Busy Bee will quickly change its flight pattern and begin circling around Pit until it hits him.

In Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters

Manual Description

A noisy bee which flies around and around Pit.

Hit Points Damage Hearts Score (Experience)
3 5

Classic Kid Icarus series enemies and bosses
Kid Icarus CollinCommylooseDaphneEelEyeEggplant WizardErinusGanewmedeGirinHewdrawHolerKeepahKeronKobilKomaytoMcGooMedusaMickMinosMoilaMonoeyeMonolithNettlerOctosPandoraPlutonPluton FlyReaperRokmanShemumShulmSnowmanSpecknoseSyrenTamamboTanatosTotemTrosTwinbellowsUranosZuree
Of Myths and Monsters BatBig ToeBusy BeeCyclops HopperCyclops SkullEggplant WizardFire SerpentFireballFuzz BallGlobeGruffGubbleKing KrabKomaytoLunusMercMinotaurMonolithOctusOrcosPuttPythagorasReaperShadow MaskSkullwingSlimeSnakeSpitball BlobSpunkySticky TalonStone GolemTotemWormser