Power-Up Drop

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Power-Up Drop
First Appearance: Kid Icarus: Uprising (2012)
Latest Appearance:

Kid Icarus: Uprising (2012)

Item Type: Power-Up
Usage: Single Use

Icon of the Power-Up Drop when in use

A Power-Up Drop is an item debuting in Kid Icarus: Uprising, usually appearing in aerial segments and dropped by Treasurefish. When collected, they temporarily give Pit invincibility to enemy attacks. After about a minute, the Power-Up Drop will wear off. The Power-Up Drop itself is a golden droplet that flashes between yellow and blue colors with wings and a halo. Like with most other items, it is a two-dimensional sprite.

Idol Description

"Power-Up Drops make you invincible against attacks. While its effects aren't long-lived, this powerful item can turn the tide of a losing battle if used wisely."

Kid Icarus series items
Items Angel's FeatherAtlas FootBack ShieldBoom RocketBoom SpearBouncy BombCapture CircleCenturion AssistCheck SheetChomp TrapCredit CardCycloneDaybreakDemon VineDodge TokenDrink of the GodsEggplant BombElemental CardsFoodGiant MakerGilded BombGrenadeHappy TriggerHarpHeartIcy AuraImpact AmplifierJump BombJump MatKeyKiller EyeLightning of JudgmentMedusa HeadMega MarbleMirror ShieldPalutena's KeyPencilPoison CloudPower-Up DropProtective CrystalRecovery OrbRock BombSacred CasketShrinky BeanSmart BombSpeed BootsSpike BallTempura BombTorchTreasure BoxWater BarrelWater of LifeWings of PegasusWrecking BallX Bomb
Weapons ArmArrow of LightArrow of StrengthBladeBowCannonClawsClubFire ArrowGreat Sacred TreasureMalletOrbitarsPalmSacred BowStaffThree Sacred TreasuresZodiac Weapons
Vehicles Aether RingCherubotExo TankLightning Chariot
Relics Mirror of TruthRing of ChaosUnderworld KeyWish Seed