Fire Arrow

This powerful weapon adds a spinning fireball around each arrow that Pit shoots with his bow. The fireball itself causes as much damage as the arrow but it only disappears if the arrow itself impacts an enemy, thus making it very useful for thinning out crowds. Pit can earn this weapon by fighting off Monoliths in a Sacred Training Chamber. It needs to be activated before it can be used.
Other weapons:
It is often advised to obtain the Sacred Bow, the Protective Crystal, and the Fire Arrow in that order.
Kid Icarus

A Black Marketeer will be selling for this for 600 Hearts should Pit become the victim of a Pluton or Pluton Fly. As with the other two weapons, the first weapon Pit collects will activate when he reaches two bars of life, the second, three bars, and the third, four bars. Activation of a weapon is completely dependent on the order Pit collects the weapons and it will stay active even if Pit's health descends below the activation level. It's inert whenever Pit's in a Fortress.
Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters
Pit can buy this back from a Black Marketeer for 300 Hearts if a Sticky Talon makes off with it. This weapon requires two full life bars to activate; like the other two weapons in this adventure, it'll deactivate if Pit's health descends below two bars. However, Pit is able to use it in a fortress.