Boom Stomper

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Boom Stomper
First Appearance: Kid Icarus: Uprising (2012)
Latest Appearance:

Super Smash Bros 4 (2014)

Affiliation(s): Forces of Nature
Enemy Type: Grounded

The Boom Stomper (ドスドス Dosudosu) is a Forces of Nature enemy introduced in Kid Icarus: Uprising. It is one of Viridi’s largest and strongest troops, but also one of her slowest. This creature looks like a giant rock with two stubby root-like legs that allow it to lumber around. The Boom Stomper uses its massive body size to its advantage and attacks by pounding the ground to create dangerous shockwaves that can be difficult to avoid in small areas.

In Kid Icarus: Uprising

Idol Description

A gigantic mass of rock inscribed with runes and given the gift of life. With its tremendous weight, walking is a struggle. Yet Boom Stomper uses this bulk to its advantage by toppling onto its foes as a heavy attack.

In Super Smash Bros. 4

Boom Stompers appear in the 3DS version as an enemy in the Smash Run.

Trophy Description

A giant rock bestowed with the gift of life. It usually stays still—as rocks do—but if it catches sight of you, it'll slowly move after you and try to stomp you into the ground. Its stomping also causes shock waves that will harm any fighters in the vicinity. Its weak point is the little leaf on its head!

Kid Icarus: Uprising enemies and bosses
Underworld Army ArminBelunkaBlusterBoogityBrawny ClawsBumbledropClubberskullCollinCommylooseCoralCrawlerDaphneDark Lord GaolEggplant WizardErinusFire WyrmFort OinkFrozumGanewmedeGirinGloomerangGreat ReaperGuttlerGyrazerHadesHades's HeartHandoraHewdrawIgniotKeronKomaytoLeoxMagmooMedusaMega MusselMerenguyMikMinosMonoeyeMonolithMonomiknoseNettlerOctosOrnePandoraParamushPetribomberPhilsPlutonPorcuspineReaperRemoblamShelboShemumShildeenShootflyShripShulmSinistewSkuttlerSnongSnowmanSpecknoseSplinStackjawSyrenTempura WizardThanatosTortolunkTrailtailTwinbellowsUnderworld GatekeeperVakloomWave AnglerZik & ZakZureeZurret
Forces of Nature ArlonBadootBladerBoom StomperBumpety BombCacawCaptain FlareClobblerCragalancheDibble DopFlageForces of Nature GuardHugwormJitterthugLethiniumLunar Sanctum Control CenterLurchthornMahvaMeebaMegontaMudroneNutskiParashooterPew PewPipPhosphoraReset BombReset Bomb PodSkreetleToxiecapTrynamiteUrgleZert
Aurum Aurum BrainAurum CoreAurum CloneAurum GeneratorAurum PyrrhonBagloBiotaBlitClaxisDohzJyokKolmaNukleenPlixoQuoilRezdaRozSioTaklaxTribyteXonemeZaurumZrink
Palutena's Army CenturionCenturion KnightCenturion StrongarmJuggernautPalutenaPit's Body
Chaos Kin Chaos KinShadow Pit
Other Enemies Chariot MasterDark PitGreat Sacred TreasureMagnusMimicutiePhoenixPseudo-PalutenaSoufleeSoul-Eating MonsterSpace KrakenSpace PiratesTreasurefish