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First Appearance: Kid Icarus: Uprising (2012)
Latest Appearance:

Kid Icarus: Uprising (2012)

Affiliation(s): Forces of Nature
Enemy Type: Grounded

The Megonta (メガンタ Meganta) is a Forces of Nature enemy introduced in Kid Icarus: Uprising. It is essentially a giant pill bug whose metallic shell almost completely protects it from harm.


The Megonta resembles an oversized, round-shelled pill bug. Not much is seen of its real body, with only its mouth, six legs, and bulging yellow eyes poking out from below its shell. Its main method of attack is rolling up and slamming into Pit when he gets too close. However, the hole on the top of its shell can fire a few explosive rounds in a scattered area if the Megonta is stationary and Pit is at a distance. The shell is completely impervious, but when hit on the exposed parts of its body on its front and sides by a strong melee or ranged attack, the Megonta will roll onto its back for a few seconds, completely helpless.

In Kid Icarus: Uprising

Megontas first appear during the ground mission of Wrath of the Reset Bomb.

Idol Description

Megontas are giant pill bugs in the Forces of Nature. They ball up for protection, using their armored shells to deflect all projectiles. A solid melee attack can send it on its back, exposing its weak underside!

Kid Icarus: Uprising enemies and bosses
Underworld Army ArminBelunkaBlusterBoogityBrawny ClawsBumbledropClubberskullCollinCommylooseCoralCrawlerDaphneDark Lord GaolEggplant WizardErinusFire WyrmFort OinkFrozumGanewmedeGirinGloomerangGreat ReaperGuttlerGyrazerHadesHades's HeartHandoraHewdrawIgniotKeronKomaytoLeoxMagmooMedusaMega MusselMerenguyMikMinosMonoeyeMonolithMonomiknoseNettlerOctosOrnePandoraParamushPetribomberPhilsPlutonPorcuspineReaperRemoblamShelboShemumShildeenShootflyShripShulmSinistewSkuttlerSnongSnowmanSpecknoseSplinStackjawSyrenTempura WizardThanatosTortolunkTrailtailTwinbellowsUnderworld GatekeeperVakloomWave AnglerZik & ZakZureeZurret
Forces of Nature ArlonBadootBladerBoom StomperBumpety BombCacawCaptain FlareClobblerCragalancheDibble DopFlageForces of Nature GuardHugwormJitterthugLethiniumLunar Sanctum Control CenterLurchthornMahvaMeebaMegontaMudroneNutskiParashooterPew PewPipPhosphoraReset BombReset Bomb PodSkreetleToxiecapTrynamiteUrgleZert
Aurum Aurum BrainAurum CoreAurum CloneAurum GeneratorAurum PyrrhonBagloBiotaBlitClaxisDohzJyokKolmaNukleenPlixoQuoilRezdaRozSioTaklaxTribyteXonemeZaurumZrink
Palutena's Army CenturionCenturion KnightCenturion StrongarmJuggernautPalutenaPit's Body
Chaos Kin Chaos KinShadow Pit
Other Enemies Chariot MasterDark PitGreat Sacred TreasureMagnusMimicutiePhoenixPseudo-PalutenaSoufleeSoul-Eating MonsterSpace KrakenSpace PiratesTreasurefish