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First Appearance: Kid Icarus: Uprising (2012)
Latest Appearance:

Kid Icarus: Uprising (2012)

Affiliation(s): Viridi
Enemy Type: Grounded

An Urgle (ソイヤッサ Soiyassa) is a Forces of Nature enemy introduced in Kid Icarus: Uprising. At first sight, this tree-like monster looks rather slow and clumsy. However, once it spots Pit, this deceptively quick foe will charge after the angel and attempt to toss him into the air with its large hands.

In Kid Icarus: Uprising

An Aurum Urgle

Urgles are uncommon foes found only in land battles, first encountered in Viridi, Goddess of Nature. Aurum Urgles also appear during The Aurum Brain. When Viridi temporarily takes over during Palutena's possession starting at the end of The Ring of Chaos an Urgle will provide service for converting weapons to hearts.

Idol Descriptions

A mobile tree creature, Urgle likes to charge towards enemies at full speed and flip them over like a tea table. While this method of attack may look easy, that's only because Urgle toils day and night to perfect his flipping technique

Aurum Urgle
An Aurum copy of the Forces of Nature's Urgle. It does a great job of nailing down its inspiration's flipping move. However, the jury is still out on how effective the original was against the Aurum flying forces.

Kid Icarus: Uprising enemies and bosses
Underworld Army ArminBelunkaBlusterBoogityBrawny ClawsBumbledropClubberskullCollinCommylooseCoralCrawlerDaphneDark Lord GaolEggplant WizardErinusFire WyrmFort OinkFrozumGanewmedeGirinGloomerangGreat ReaperGuttlerGyrazerHadesHades's HeartHandoraHewdrawIgniotKeronKomaytoLeoxMagmooMedusaMega MusselMerenguyMikMinosMonoeyeMonolithMonomiknoseNettlerOctosOrnePandoraParamushPetribomberPhilsPlutonPorcuspineReaperRemoblamShelboShemumShildeenShootflyShripShulmSinistewSkuttlerSnongSnowmanSpecknoseSplinStackjawSyrenTempura WizardThanatosTortolunkTrailtailTwinbellowsUnderworld GatekeeperVakloomWave AnglerZik & ZakZureeZurret
Forces of Nature ArlonBadootBladerBoom StomperBumpety BombCacawCaptain FlareClobblerCragalancheDibble DopFlageForces of Nature GuardHugwormJitterthugLethiniumLunar Sanctum Control CenterLurchthornMahvaMeebaMegontaMudroneNutskiParashooterPew PewPipPhosphoraReset BombReset Bomb PodSkreetleToxiecapTrynamiteUrgleZert
Aurum Aurum BrainAurum CoreAurum CloneAurum GeneratorAurum PyrrhonBagloBiotaBlitClaxisDohzJyokKolmaNukleenPlixoQuoilRezdaRozSioTaklaxTribyteXonemeZaurumZrink
Palutena's Army CenturionCenturion KnightCenturion StrongarmJuggernautPalutenaPit's Body
Chaos Kin Chaos KinShadow Pit
Other Enemies Chariot MasterDark PitGreat Sacred TreasureMagnusMimicutiePhoenixPseudo-PalutenaSoufleeSoul-Eating MonsterSpace KrakenSpace PiratesTreasurefish