Capricorn Club

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Capricorn Club
Type: Club
Specializes In: Close range combat
Strengths: Fast charge time, strong short-range attacks
Weaknesses: Weak long-range attacks, poor shot cancellation

The Capricorn Club is one of the Zodiac Weapons that appears in Kid Icarus: Uprising. The Capricorn Club is inspired by the tenth sign of the Zodiac. Its spiraling charged shots lack range, do less damage as they travel, and don't cancel out shots. However, these shots do move fast and have a fast charge time. It can be found in Chapter 20, hidden behind a false wall in a cell containing a Skuttler Mage.

Idol description

The Zodiac weapon bearing the sign of Capricorn. Its spiraling charged shots lack range, do less damage as they travel, and don't cancel out other shots. However, these shots do move fast and have a superfast charge time.

Base statistics

Weapon data is for weapons with zero ranged and melee stars with no mods to them. Distance refers to the maximum range a shot can travel, measured with non-homing shots. Damage (near) refers to the damage done when the target is as close as possible. Damage (far) refers to the damage given at maximum range. The symbol "—" means the corresponding stat is not applicable to that specific attack.

Air battles

Attack Distance Damage Shots
Continuous (shot)* 40.0 - 50.0
Continuous (melee)* 40.0 - 70.0
Charged 80.0m 74.5 1
Melee hit* 60.0 - 80.0
Special attack 110.0m 178.0 1

* Damage dealt corresponds to accuracy.

Land battles

Attack Distance Damage (near) Damage (far) Shots
Standing continuous 16.2 23.4
Forward-dash continuous 17.1 8.1
Side-dash continuous 11.7 11.7
Backward-dash continuous 16.2 7.6
Standing charged 50.0m 56.0 12.3 1
Forward-dash charged 55.0m 78.9 18.0 1
Side-dash charged 50.0m 72.5 16.0 1
Backward-dash charged 43.0m 51.1 11.2 1
Melee hit 1 30.6
Melee hit 2 34.2
Melee dash 54.0

Weapon fusion

This weapon follows standard weapon fusion rules.

Kid Icarus: Uprising weapons
Arms Bomber ArmBowl ArmCompact ArmCrusher ArmDrill ArmElectroshock ArmEnd-All ArmKraken ArmPhoenix ArmTaurus ArmUpperdash ArmVolcano Arm
Blades Aquarius BladeAurum BladeBullet BladeBurst BladeCrusader BladeFirst BladeGaol BladeOptical BladePalutena BladeRoyal BladeSamurai BladeViper Blade
Bows Angel BowAurum BowCrystal BowDarkness BowDivine BowFortune BowHawkeye BowMeteor BowPalutena BowPhosphora BowSagittarius BowSilver Bow
Cannons Ball CannonCragalanche CannonDoom CannonDynamo CannonEZ CannonFireworks CannonLeo CannonPoseidon CannonPredator CannonRail CannonSonic CannonTwinbellows Cannon
Claws Artillery ClawsBeam ClawsBear ClawsBrawler ClawsCancer ClawsHedgehog ClawsPandora ClawsRaptor ClawsStealth ClawsTiger ClawsViridi ClawsWolf Claws
Clubs Atlas ClubAurum ClubBabel ClubBlack ClubCapricorn ClubEarthmaul ClubHalo ClubHewdraw ClubMagnus ClubOgre ClubOre ClubSkyscraper Club
Orbitars Arlon OrbitarsAurum OrbitarsBoom OrbitarsCenturion OrbitarsEyetrack OrbitarsFairy OrbitarsGemini OrbitarsGuardian OrbitarsJetstream OrbitarsPaw Pad OrbitarsShock OrbitarsStandard Orbitars
Palms Aurum PalmBurning PalmCursed PalmCutter PalmGreat Reaper PalmMidnight PalmNeedle PalmNinja PalmPudgy PalmViolet PalmVirgo PalmViridi Palm
Staffs Ancient StaffDark Pit StaffFlintlock StaffInsight StaffKnuckle StaffLancer StaffLaser StaffOrb StaffRose StaffScorpio StaffSomewhat StaffThanatos Staff